Blogger Widgets for WordPress Plug-ins


Another week is at an end and it's been excellent so far. Somebody decided to give The Base a boost by stumbling a post :D Thank you, whoever you are.

This week I'll be posting links to better customize your blogger blog through widgets and other ways.

  • 'What Would Seth Godin Do' is a great WordPress plug in. What's even more great about it is that there is a blogger version of WWSGD too - which I installed today. What does it do? WWSGD monitors your cookies and lets you put up a welcome message. And not just a welcome message, it lets you set up separate welcome messages for new and returning users. How cool is that?
  • On my WordPress blog, I use the Sociofluid plug-in for social bookmarking options on every post. Even though it has a blogger version, I couldn't figure out how to put the icons in every post. The widget was putting the icons on my blog but not in separate posts. So a search led me to Blogger Plug-ins where I found my perfect answer.
  • The past couple of weeks, I've been thinking about removing adsense ads from the blog (homepage) and adding them to my posts. Since I'm a novice in all things designing and customizing, I had no idea how to do it. Even though I haven't yet made the decision of adding ads in my posts, I found my answer in How to add Adsense inside single posts only. It's not a widget but it's definitely worth knowing.
  • While it's easy to optimise WordPress blogs for SEO through plug-ins, Blogger blogs have no such widgets to help. Reading SEO Tricks in Blogger Blogs and Blogspot and SEO takes care of this drawback to a great extent.

If you have a Blogger blog, and keep thinking that it's very limiting, you might want to reconsider that after reading these. I know I am! Hope this week's themed links help you as much as they have helped me!

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