10 Twitter Tools


The sheer amount of tools out there for twitter offering different services is practically insane. From running a poll, to posting pictures, to... I'll just get on with the list of tools and let you find out for yourself.

1. TwitPic: Where there's social media, there's pictures. TwitPic lets you share pictures on twitter. There's no sign up and no program installation. All you have to do is sign in with your twitter username and password and upload pictures and post them. They'll send a tweet from your account about the photo. Easy peasy.

2. TwtPoll: Twitter followers are great for polls. If you're running a poll on your website, running a similar one on twitter can get you more participation and help you gather more data. Using TwtPoll is a breeze. Enter your username, post your question, list your options and click on 'Create Poll'. It'll give you options of posting it on twitter, Facebook or your website. Choose the one you want and your followers are ready to poll!

3. TweetLater: If you're an avid twitter-er or are working on a marketing campaign where you want to tweet regularly through out the day about something then tweetlater is for you. You can schedule tweets through it - so even when you're sleeping, tweetlater is tweeting your preset tweets for you. Keep in mind not to schedule one promotional tweet an hour to avoid becoming a spammer. Remember, just one.

Tweetlater also lets you track keywords (my favourite), send automated DM's (my least favourite), and also gives you the option to auto follow your followers among others.

4. Qwitter: The nifty little service catches your twitter quitters. After you sign up for this service (only requires your twitter username and email), qwitter will send you an email every time someone stops following or un-follows you. Not only that, it will also tell after which tweet of yours did the follower quit on you.

It's a great service and lets you find out which tweets of yours offend people but don't get obsessive over every single quitter. Of course, if you lose 50 followers over night, then it's something to look into.

5. TwitterFeed: You've RT'd enough tweets and promoted countless links by tweeting about them. It's only fair that you promote your own blog. Enter twitterfeed. Submit your blog URL in twitterfeed and let it post a tweet for you every time you update your blog. Depending on your posting frequency, you can set up a timer for the service to check if you've published your blog. This blog post will be tweeted about 30 minutes after it's published.

<6. TweetVolume: Tweetvolume lets you put in specific words and runs a search to tell how many times the words have been used in twitter stream. The time period is since twitter's birth. Tweetvolume is a good tool for keyword comparison and a great way to find out how much 'buzz' there is about a topic, brand, campaign, person etc.

Check out the comparison I did between freelance, writing, blogging, social media and clients.

7. Tweetag: This tool let you browse the twitterverse according to the most popular topic. Their homepage lists the 40 most frequently discussed topics. So if you want to know what the buzz is about at twitter. You can also search for any topic you want.

A search for 'Twestival' (tell you later what it is) came back with 1518 results out of which 695 tweets had links in them, 164 were questions, 779 were replies and 171 were retweets.

8. BubbleTweet: If you're a video blogging fan, you're going to love this one. Bubble tweet lets you add a video message to your twitter profile in the form of a very manageable bubble size. It's an excellent way to add a voice and a face to your profile and overcome the limitations of the bio line in your profile. There are currently only 651 tweeple using bubble tweet, so if you use it, it's still going to be unique.

9. TwitterSnooze: If you follow a lot of people, there is bound to be someone who is a little too 'verbose'. So if their chatter is distracting you or hindering you from following other conversations or tweets, twittersnooze lets you mute their tweets out for a specified period of time.

All you have to do is enter your username, password and the username of the person you want to hit the snooze button on.

However, twittersnooze has a downside to it. Every time you unsnooze a person, it sends them an email alerting them that you're following them again. Not so feasible if you want to mute people out quietly.

10. Twellow: Want to find people in your industry or area of interest? Twellow lets you search users according to categories. Freelance, blogging, Photoshop, SEO etc are some of the categories of interest to me. Unfortunately, searching through category had little success for me, but searching under 'all people on twellow' yielded very interesting results.

To turn up in searches in twellow it would be better to get listed there. A search for my username brought back a tweet from 3 weeks ago and still lists my followers as 155 whereas my followers have grown since then.

It isn't the best of services, but it has the potential to be a great one. I'd be keeping my eye on this one to see if it better develops.

For a service as simple as twitter, tools like these add all more value to it. These are just 10 of the countless twitter tools/metrics out there.

What twitter tools do you use? How do they add value to your twitter experience?
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