Am I a Community Manager?
The answer is a resounding 'No!' A recent job ad for a Community Manager had me smiling. Their requirements for a community manager had me ticking off things I qualified for and I was surprised to see that I was qualifying for quite a few.
You have a blog. You post several times/week. You receive 20+ comments per post. You respond to a number of those comments.
You have a blog - Yes, two.
You post several times a week - Between the two blogs, I do.
You receive 20+ comments per post - Not on this one and sometimes on the other one.
You respond to those comments - Always!
You love Twitter. You have >200 followers. You know the difference between @ and #.
Yes I do! If the job were about twittering I'd be SO qualified!
You know what the Cluetrain Manifesto is without having to Google it.
Umm... you lost me there. [Psst, do you guys know? If so check out the job here]
You can explain the strengths and weaknesses of Facebook and can name your favourite apps.
The strength is its privacy options. It's weakness is that it was promoted as a 'for friends and family' networking site and now it's turned into a launch pad for products, businesses and blogs and there's no way to effectively separate family and friends from business and work associates in a single profile.
You’ve met some of your best friends online, some of whom you’ve never actually met in person.
Yeah, that's me. However I've made it a point to meet best friends from online if they're in the same geographical locations or if the friend is passing through the city.
You can rattle off names of popular bloggers and Internet rock stars.
Darren Rowse of Problogger, Brian Clark of Copyblogger, Chris Brogan, Chris G, James Chartrand of Men with Pens, The Berry-Brewer duo of Freelance Parents, Mason Hipp of Freelance Folder, Naomi Dunford of IttyBiz, Freelance Switch, Michael Martine of Remarkablogger - to name just a few.
You’re a brilliant writer, conversational and authentic by nature.
Uhh... I'd like to be a little modest here.
You’ve worked at a startup before.
Does my own freelancing count?
You believe the Internet is a series of tubes.
My maze is your tubes.
You spend WAY too much time online.
I'd have qualified if that was the only criterion! The amount of time I spend online is insane.
So I missed out on just a few of those. Not bad. Now I need to find out what exactly it is that a community Manager does.
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