[12/14/08] Sunday Link Overdose


Nothing like a weekly post to tell you how fast a week goes by. I've recovered from the flu which saw me sleeping for 10-12 hours a day, thanks to all the flu meds that seem to have so much sedatives in them. All that's past me now and I'd much sooner forget being weak as a babe. This week saw me reading and loving the following posts.

  1. The Renegade Writer's Blog has an excellent post about distracted writers. It was like Linda was inside my head when writing the post. Of course, I was no where near as constructive about my lack of focus as Linda. Must learn.
  2. Robust Writing tackles the problems of overstatements in writing.
  3. Thinking of starting a freelance business? Freelance Folder has an excellent post that covers the basics of starting a freelance business.
  4. I've been curious about e-books for a while. So it was a joy to read Confident Writing's guide to compiling a free e-book. Joanna offers great resources that got her started. I'm thinking it will make for a great fun project!
  5. This one's my favourite. I love books and can never have enough of them! Allena Tapia has an excellent list compiled about writing books. Check out her top ten books to get your freelance writer for Christmas.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did! And with these gems SLOD takes your leave. Till next Sunday! Before then watch out for a post about a certain stubborn muse I know.

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